The online world revolves around information, which is considered as the most valuable currency. The Internet is built on an extensive network of databases that are easily accessible through search engines, allowing users to communicate, share knowledge and exchange information through various mediums, including audio, video, and text.
The emergence of technology has broken down physical barriers, enabling individuals to connect with one another despite their location. However, this has also created a new set of challenges regarding the protection of privacy and confidentiality of data. Users’ lack of awareness of the risks of disclosing their personal information on the internet has made them susceptible to fraudulent activities.
Cyber attacks are not limited to individuals but also target civilian and military infrastructure, governments, and countries to steal classified information. To mitigate these risks, countries have developed electronic armies dedicated to cybersecurity to protect their digital systems and networks from cyber threats.
Enforcing cyber security plays a critical role in safeguarding individuals’ privacy, preventing unauthorized dissemination of information, and reducing cyberbullying and fraud.