Cyber Piracy

Dr. Mohamed Salem Al-Atoum King Abdullah II Bin Al Hussein College for Information Technology. Department of Computer Science / Cyber Security Program University of Jordan

The rise of digital technologies has transformed the global landscape, challenging the conventional notions of power and influence. In addition to political, economic, and military measures, the ascendancy of big data and artificial intelligence has given rise to new challenges and risks, including cyber piracy and cyber-attacks, necessitating the adoption of strict measures to ensure national information security on a global scale.

The misuse of these advanced technologies by malicious hackers has resulted in privacy breaches, commonly known as cyber piracy, ranging from the theft of personal emails or social media pages to the exploitation of financial data, resulting in significant material losses.

 The effects of cyber piracy transcend individuals, posing a threat to the confidential data of major corporations and government organizations and causing widespread disruptions. According to Cyber Security Ventures, global cyber-attacks resulted in nearly $6 trillion in losses at the end of 2021. Consequently, there has been a surge in global interest in cybersecurity, as it has emerged as a significant drain on the economies of countries and corporations, surpassing the effects of conflicts and natural disasters. The impact of cyber-attacks on national security has also heightened concerns, with the potential to disable large control systems and disrupt critical infrastructure.

 The United Nations Counter-Terrorism has played an important role in mitigating and preventing the misuse of technological advancements by terrorists, through several cyber safety initiatives.


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